The Role of Parents in Online Reading Tutoring for Kids

By Gregory Bertsch, M. Ed.

Posted: September 22, 2023

role of parents in online tutoring

Remote tutoring offers several benefits for kids and their families. It’s flexible, allowing learning to happen anywhere and fitting easily into busy schedules for families looking for convenience to secure the help their children need.

In my four years of tutoring kids online, I’ve observed how one-on-one reading lessons facilitate swift progress, particularly when parents are actively involved. To master reading at an early age, children require effective instruction and steadfast support from their families during online lessons.

In this article, we will look into the role of parents in online reading tutoring and explore how their active involvement can enhance the learning experience for children. We’ll also discuss practical ways for parents to support their children effectively and examine how this collaboration between tutors, parents, and students can lead to remarkable outcomes in developing proficient reading skills.

Let’s get started…

The Importance of Parent Involvement in Online Learning

As distance learning for kids is getting popular, parents are finding themselves with unique opportunities to actively participate in their child’s learning process.

Research has consistently shown a direct correlation between parental involvement and student success. When parents engage in their child’s online reading tutoring, they create an environment that nurtures growth, boosts confidence, and facilitates motivation.

Online learning can present challenges, such as screen fatigue and reduced social interaction. However, with active parental participation, these obstacles can be overcome. Without parent involvement, students might feel isolated or overwhelmed, leading to disengagement and a decrease in learning effectiveness.

Here are some reasons why parents involvement is crucial in online learning for kids-

1. Boosting Confidence and Motivation

When parents actively engage with their child’s learning, they provide a strong support system.

Regular encouragement, acknowledgment of achievements, and celebrating small milestones can significantly enhance a child’s self-esteem and motivation to excel.

2. Overcoming Challenges

Online learning can be demanding, requiring self-discipline and time management.

Parents can guide their children in establishing routines, managing time effectively, and navigating technical challenges, creating a conducive learning environment at home.

3. Direct Correlation with Success

Numerous studies underline the positive impact of parental involvement on academic success.

When parents are invested in their child’s education, students are more likely to perform better academically and develop a lifelong love for learning.

Here’s what one of the parents had to say about my remote reading tutoring service:

“Mr. Bertsch made remote learning just as exciting as in person! The learning, the singing, the games, the communication, it NEVER wavered just because we were behind a screen. It is very fitting that his new venture is called Kindness Ripples. If you don’t know the meaning of it yet, just wait. You are in for a special treat. Joey still spreads ripples daily and is always reminded of Mr. Bertsch when he does so. We are so grateful for the lifelong impact Mr. Bertsch has on Joey. It is educators like him that don’t come around too often.”

Jennifer K.

How Parents Can Support Online Reading Tutoring

Parents play an important role in supporting their child’s remote learning.

Here are some of the best ways parents can get involved to create an effective learning experience.

1. Create a Good Learning Environment

Having a quiet and organized learning space is important.

Make sure your child has a comfortable, distraction-free place for lessons. Check that the technology is working properly. Get help with internet access if needed so there are no connectivity issues.

2. Observe and Provide Assistance During Lessons

Parents can watch some tutoring lessons to understand their child’s learning style. This allows parents to see where their child may need extra help.

Observing also gives parents a chance to learn teaching techniques used by the tutor.

During lessons, encourage your child to ask questions when they don’t understand something. Provide guidance if they get stuck on an activity or concept. Listen carefully to their feedback so you know how to best support their needs.

3. Make Educational Reading Games

Creating fun reading games can increase engagement and interest in learning.

Make matching games, fishing games, and phonics puzzles using index cards and household materials. There are many websites with ideas for educational games to build different reading skills.

4. Communicate Regularly With the Tutor

Maintaining open communication with your child’s online reading tutor is important. Get regular progress updates and provide feedback after lessons. Set learning goals and expectations together. Discuss strategies for improvement.

Collaborating with the tutor to establish short and long term learning goals can provide helpful guidance. Explain your expectations for learning outcomes, behavior, and engagement during lessons. Consistent boundaries and expectations will help your child succeed.

5. Encourage Daily Reading Habits

There are many ways parents can promote daily reading outside of tutoring lessons.

Read together as a family and make it an engaging experience. Dedicate special time for reading activities. Use imagination to make up original stories. Model being an avid reader yourself.

Make sure your child has access to books at the appropriate reading level that match their interests.

Explore educational reading apps and online platforms that can supplement tutoring. The local library can suggest books and other resources to help with reading skills.

6. Celebrate Progress and Milestones

Recognize your child’s accomplishments, both big and small.

Praise their effort when they try new skills, even if mistakes happen. Positive reinforcement and small rewards can nurture good reading habits.

How to find a remote reading tutor for your child?

Finding the right reading tutor can make a big difference for your child’s literacy skills and confidence.

An experienced reading tutor understands common reading challenges faced by children and knows how to address them effectively. They make the learning process enjoyable.

Make sure the reading tutor you find can meet the needs for your child. Confirm the tutor is qualified in online tutoring and has proper credentials like a master’s degree or reading specialist certification.

The tutoring lessons should target gaps in your child’s reading skills and build abilities like phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. You should also work with tutors who regularly assess progress and update parents.

Find tutors who are able to provide at least 1-2 tutoring sessions per week. If your child is falling behind grade level, a good tutor can help them catch up quickly.

While parents provide valuable help, a reading specialist is needed to teach foundational reading skills in the proper sequence. Look for a tutor with specific training and experience in teaching reading to children. Ask about their background and credentials in reading instruction.

A quality reading tutor should also provide guidance for parents on ways to help reinforce skills between tutoring sessions. They should supply materials, online platforms, and games for your child to practice reading skills.

Visit my website to inquire about a free reading assessment for your child. I have 20 of years teaching experience. I have a Masters in Education as well as a Reading Specialist License in the state of Massachusetts. I have been tutoring online for the past 4 years.